Attract agents and buyer’s to your listing.
Eliminate some natural fears of the buyer right away by letting them know that this home is in generally good shape or better. When buyers are surfing the web, they can pass right over your listing. You need an eye popper link on your web listing. Just because you may think your home is in good shape, it does not separate it from the 100’s of others that you may be competing with for the buyer’s attention.
If you were an agent and were looking on behalf of your buyers for possible homes to show them, would you be attracted to a home that may sell easier because you know the home’s condition has already been inspected? If the price is right, and the financing is favorable, then the hardest part remaining (the inspection) is already done! Agents work on commission and many times the inspection is the problem.
With a pre-listing inspection link at your listing, the buyer’s agent can see quickly that this home is a lot more attractive than the other homes on the street, and is likely to go to closing if the price can be worked out! Home Sellers need to take back the leverage regarding a home inspection and do it before the buyer comes along!

No more re-negotiations after the home inspection.
No more alarmed buyers when the home inspector finds a problem.
No more does the seller have to deal with inflated repair estimates that costs him or her money.

Give leverage back to the seller.
When a buyer brings the home inspector, they are looking to cut those negotiated prices again. If significant problems are found the buyer may:
- Want to terminate the contract
- Ask for inflated amounts to have the problem fixed
- Be so alarmed by the defect found, will terminate the contract without giving you the chance to fix it
Either way, your house is back on the market and the problem is still there for the next buyer to find. Or, the dream home you wanted, that was contingent on your home selling, is lost. The problem is the timing of the home inspection.
The trend is changing, and Sellers are having a home inspection at the time of their listing in order to repair or determine the condition of their home, and to use it as a sales tool. A Pre-Listing inspection will virtually eliminate all the hassles and blown deals inspections cause when the Buyer brings their inspector.